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 The Annual Site Steward Conference and Training Symposium

in historic downtown Yuma was amazing!

The 2022 annual Arizona Site Steward Program Conference, held in concert with the Historic Preservation Conference, was a rousing success! Attended by over 100 Stewards, we enjoyed three days of workshops, presentations, networking opportunities and cultural excursions in and around the history-filled city of Yuma Arizona.  For another look at our full conference schedule go HERE


We introduced some new features this year!

  • The Site Steward Program partnered with the Historic Preservation Conference to offer our full agenda with maps, announcements, speaker information and the ability to build your own schedule via the WebEx Events App.  

  • The Foundation offered two ways to participate in the silent auction this year!  Along with our in-person auction at the conference, we offered an online auction through Charity Auctions Today.  This new online auction featured some great deals for adventures and beautiful jewelry.   


Thanks to our donors, auction winners and t-shirt buyers!

Thank you to all of the individuals who made donations, participated in our auctions and bought t-shirts this year!  This is one of the Foundations biggest fundraisers each year and all funds go directly to supporting the Site Steward Program. A special thank you to our individual donors: Shelley Rasmussen, Judy Stoycheff, Tom Crager, Trudy Mertens, Glenda Simmons, Jenny & Dick Anderson, Luke Edens, Ruthanna Battilana, Margaret Hangan, Johna Hutira and Van Newville.


Thanks to our Site Stewards!

During this conference the Site Steward Program recognized our member's outstanding efforts in protecting our cultural resources over the course of the previous year.  We were pleased to honor these volunteers who do so much to protect our heritage. 

2022 Site Steward Program Awardees:

Outstanding New Site Steward of the Year: George Nelsen

Regional Coordinator of the Year: Newt Ashby

Assistant Regional Coordinator of the Year: Gene & Linda Rohn

Regional Support Steward of the Year: Tom Crager

Land Manager of the Year: Katherine Shaum

Thief of Time Award: Douglas Newton

Appreciation and Special Awards Winners: Jewel Touchin, Patricia McCabe, Keith Hollinger, Rick Ruess, and Diana Henry

Shelley Rasmussen Volunteer Hours Award (Most hours submitted in previous year): Robert Mark

Field Trainer of the Year Award: Scott Wood

Site Steward Team of the Year: (Two Team Winners)

Robert Mark & Evelyn Billo

The Saguaro National Park East Team (Mary Lou Fragomeni, Stan Ponczek, and Jonny Sue Perkins-Snyder)


Do you know of a company or organization that might want to sponsor next year's conference?  Please direct them to our Site Steward Conference Sponsorship page.  Thank you!



For more information about this conference or the Site Steward Program please visit:


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