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2021 Site Steward Program Conference Speakers

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Shane Anton

Workshop: Four Southern Tribes Cultural Presentation and Protecting and Promoting the Layered Landscape of the Great Bend of the Gila

Shane Anton is the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. He has extensive experience working within the SRP-MIC and other tribal governments. In particular, he is extremely knowledgeable and experienced in tribal cultural resource consultation. The Tribal Historic Preservation Office is delegated with the implementation of all local, state, and federal mandates governing cultural resource preservation on behalf of the SRP-MIC. As such, Mr. Anton oversees a tribal department comprised of a NHPA Section, a NAGPRA Consultation/Research Section, a SRPMIC Traditional Agriculture Section, and a Cultural Sensitivity Training Section.


Skylar Begay

Workshop: Protecting and Promoting the Layered Landscape of the Great Bend of the Gila

Skylar joined Archaeology Southwest as Tribal Outreach Fellow at the beginning of 2021 thanks to a grant from the Wyss Foundation. He comes from the Diné Nation and was raised in Flagstaff, Arizona. In 2017, Skylar received a B.S. in Geography with a minor in Sustainability from Arizona State University. While pursuing his degree, Skylar was a Crew Leader with the Arizona Conservation Corps(AZCC) as part of their Ancestral Lands Program. After graduation, and via AZCC’s Individual Placement Program, he joined the Lower Gila River Ethnographic and Archaeological Project, assisting Aaron Wright and Charles Arrow during the 2019 field season. Prior to Archaeology Southwest, Skylar worked for the US Forest Service, where he was a member of the Ouray Ranger District’s Off-Highway Vehicle Trail Crew for three consecutive seasons. He now works on Archaeology Southwest’s mission to protect the Great Bend of the Gila.

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Nicole Armstrong-Best

Workshop: Arizona Project Archaeology

Nicole has been the Director of Pueblo Grande Museum since 2015. She previously served as the Chief of Community Stewardship at Arizona State Parks, which included responsibility for archaeology, collections, curatorial support, volunteer and non-profit engagement, and educational programming.


Nicole is currently the Arizona Site Steward Program Foundation Chairperson and a Project Archaeology Master Teacher.

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Garry J. Cantley

Workshop: Considerations for Site Stewards Regarding Tribal lands

Garry has over forty years’ experience in archeology throughout many parts of North America. He received his undergraduate degree from the Universidad de las Americas in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico and a graduate degree from Arizona State University. He has been with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) in Phoenix, Arizona since 1992 and has received numerous awards for superior performance as Regional Archeologist for the Western Region. He was the 2013 recipient of the Arizona Governor’s Archaeology Advisory Commission’s Award in Public Archaeology (Professional Archeologist). During his tenure he has represented the BIA in numerous interagency organizations on international, national, and regional scales. His primary interest during his federal career has been archeological resource crime and prevention, particularly application of the Archeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA). Garry presently is the BIA representative for a cooperative agreement titled ARPA Assistance that, with its objective the elimination of archaeological resource crime on Indian lands (, employs a team of experts in archeology, law enforcement, and federal prosecution.


Tewana (Tee) Cervantes

Workshop: Making a World of Difference Through Listening, Caring, and Sharing

Tee is the Principal Manager at Tee L Cervantes, LLC.  She states that some of her best skills (diversity, equity, belonging, and ethical competency) were developed in the course of her earning six units of Clinical Pastoral Education at Medical (Cancer, Transplant, and Level I & II Trauma) Centers in Arizona and Texas. She served as a Healthcare Chaplain for four years and had an opportunity to also serve briefly as an Independent Living Donor Advocate for persons interested in donating one of their kidneys, or part of their livers, to save the lives of a family member, friend, co-worker, or complete stranger. "By far, this has been the most impactful work of my life."
Tee is a proud Board Member of the Arizona Community Tree Council and Arizona Site Steward Program Foundation; Volunteer Development Leader of Casa Hogar El Buen Pastor (Mexico) and Special Olympics Arizona; Volunteer Application Evaluator with Arizona state grant-making agencies; and Volunteer Cultural and Ethical Competency Evaluator of candidates for one of the nation’s top medical schools.

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Erin Davis

Workshops: Arizona and National Historic Preservation Act 101

Erin Davis has been an archaeological compliance specialist at SHPO since 2018. She has more than 20 years professional archaeological experience in Arizona.

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William Doelle

Workshops: Protecting and Promoting the Layered Landscape of the Great Bend of the Gila

Dr. Doelle has more than 40 years of experience as a professional archaeologist. He has worked extensively in Mexico, Guatemala, and the North American Southwest. His primary research interest is the demographic history of the Greater Southwest. Dr. Doelle served six years as Treasurer of the Archaeology Division of the American Anthropological Association, and he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA), as well as Chair of the SAA’s Fundraising Committee.

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Debbie Donowski

Workshops: Archaeological Site Sketch Map Basics

Debbie is the Hassayampa Regional Coordinator. Hiking and photography have occupied a majority of her free time for most of her life. Whether the trail is close to home or farther away, just being outside makes her feel good. About twenty years ago, finding some maps and reading articles led her to interesting archaeological sites in Arizona and the southwest. She joined the Arizona Archaeological Society which led her to the Arizona Site Steward program. Debbie enjoys seeing the history of the people who lived here historically and in archaic times. The desert is beautiful and there is a lot to discover. The history here in the southwestern United States is very different from the history where she was born and raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Debbie found her way to Arizona through work with Home Depot. About a dozen years ago, she returned to school for three years to learn what she is doing now, in her new career as a Radiation Therapist.

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Angela Garcia-Lewis

Workshops: Four Southern Tribes Cultural Presentation

Angela Garcia-Lewis is the Cultural Resource Compliance Supervisor for the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Tribal Historic Preservation Office. She has over twenty years of experience in tribal cultural resource preservation. Angela has extensive experience in providing cultural resource training for tribal partners from different backgrounds from museum to military. Her presentations are focused on helping organizations learn more about the cultural significance of place, and how organizations can help tribes achieve their preservation goals.

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Kim Gilles

Workshop: West Valley Hike

Kim Gilles has been in the Site Steward program since 2016.  Kim supports the program as Assistant Regional Coordinator in the Central Region and with computer help in both the Central and Tonopah regions.  She enjoys the camaraderie of the two regions and opportunities to learn more about archeology and nature.  Born in Tucson where she attended the University of Arizona, Kim has been working in the accounting field for the past twenty-five years.  Growing from her interest in history and to learn more about archeology Kim has been involved with the Arizona Archeology Society where she is currently the Secretary of the Rim Country Chapter.

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Margaret Hangan

Workshop: Useful Material Things; A Historical Artifact Identification Workshop and Wildfire and Archaeology

Margaret Hangan is heritage program manager for the Kaibab National Forest. A career archaeologist with extensive experience in the private sector, she came late to federal service, moving directly into heritage management positions. Her first federal job was with the Bureau of Land Management. In 2003, she transitioned to the Forest Service as Heritage and Tribal Relations Program Manager for the Cleveland National Forest. Three years later, she took her current position on the Kaibab National Forest.
Although Hangan is beginning her 13th year in that official role, she has taken on ever more complex duties, working with the Kaibab and other forests on the Rim Country Environmental Impact Statement, the Four Forest Restoration Initiative and more. In the wider community, she is a co-chair of the Arizona Historic Archaeology Advisory Committee and a member of the Arizona Governor’s Archaeological Advisory Council. Recently, the Natural Inquirer program featured her in their Scientist Card series. She has also served as President of the Southwestern Region’s Regional Civil Rights Committee, doing work that focused on diversity inclusion, LGBTQ recognition and other salient issues.

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Dax Hansen

Workshop: Protecting and Promoting the Layered Landscape of the Great Bend of the Gila

Dax Hansen is a Partner in the law firm, Perkins Coie LLP, where he helps innovators transform and adopt technology and financial services. He has pioneered blockchain, digital currency, payments, and fintech law. Dax owns a 665-acre family farm along the Gila River near Gila Bend, Arizona, growing organic White Sonora wheat and other native crops. Oatman Flats Ranch reflects the significant cultural, historic and environmental treasures and challenges of the region. Oatman Flats is on a mission to regenerate the landscape and preserve the rich history of the farm and region by selling delicious sourdough bread and pancake mixes.

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Paul Jarrett

Workshop: Department of Homeland Securities Investigations: Property, Art, and Antiquities Smuggling.  Investigating the Illicit Importation and Distribution of Stolen or Looted Cultural Property 

Paul Jarrett is the Special Agent Program Manager for HSI’s Cultural Property, Art and Antiquities Program.  Paul has worked for the agency for over 24 years, with experience in Counterterrorism, Human Trafficking, Drug Smuggling and Cultural Property Crimes Investigations. Paul uses his expertise from working cultural property cases in the field to offer strategic case support, including providing assistance and guidance, linking agents to Subject Matter Experts and liaising with other agents and law enforcement partners (Domestic and foreign) as well as embassies and foreign ministries of culture. Paul started his career in Los Angeles and has worked in several other offices in California, Hawaii and abroad.  Paul travels within the United States and internationally to conduct training and make presentations on cultural property investigations.


Thomas Jones

Workshop: Useful Material Things; A Historical Artifact Identification Workshop

Mr. Jones has about 25 years of experience in archeological investigations, historical artifact analysis, historical research and National Register nominations, documentation for HABS/HAER, and historical building inventories. Mr. Jones meets the professional requirements for Historian under the Secretary of Interior's Standards. He has contributed to all forms of archaeological reports, and has authored and presented papers for professional and avocational audiences. He sits on the Historical Archaeology Advisory Committee (HAAC), and was a long-time member of the Phoenix Historic Preservation Commission and of the Governor’s Archaeology Advisory Commission.
As a member of HAAC, Mr. Jones assisted the Arizona SHPO in the development of inventory forms for historical in-use structures, as well as a field guide for recording structures and preparing the forms. He is intimately familiar with the documentation and evaluation of historical in-use structures.

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Pam Kalish

Workshop: Pueblo La Plata video presentation and Agua Fria Walking Tour

Pam has been a volunteer for the BLM and Tonto National Forest for nearly 20 years doing survey, rock art documentation, videos, and site monitoring. She is a board member of the Friends of the Agua Fria National Monument (FAFNM) and a member of it's Cultural Resources Committee. She has been a site steward for 16 years and is currently the Regional Coordinator for the Cave Creek Region. Her most recent contribution was producing the Pueblo La Plata video to be shown at the conference. Pam is a board member of the FAFNM and Regional Coordinator for the Cave Creek Region.

Duane Koyawena

Duane Koyawena

Workshop: Artist

Please enjoy Duane's art on his website: 

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Brian Krauss

Workshop: History on the Rocks: a Pre-historic Hiking Tour of Box Canyon, South Mountain Park

Brian Krauss is a Ranger for the City of Phoenix. His life has been shaped by the wilderness of the Southwest, starting as a Wilderness Guide for companies such as REI Adventures and National Geographic and then transitioning into public land management with the City of Phoenix. He is passionate about the prehistory and current events of Arizona's native peoples and works closely with the City's Archeology Office for the preservation of the City's cultural resources. 

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Kathryn Leonard

Workshop: Keynote Speaker

Kathryn Leonard is Arizona’s State Historic Preservation Officer.  Kathryn is a professional archaeologist and historian who has worked in both the public and private sectors to provide expertise in National Register of Historic Places eligibility, Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act compliance, and tribal government to government consultation.  She is a graduate of Vassar College, and holds master’s degrees in anthropology and history from Arizona State University. Kathryn has over fifteen years of experience working in the field of cultural resources management, and prior to her appointment as SHPO, served as Operations Director of an Alaskan Native Corporation-owned environmental consulting firm.  As a consultant, Kathryn has assisted federal and state agencies, municipalities and tribes with planning and consultation for complex multijurisdictional infrastructure projects. In her new role as Arizona’s SHPO, Kathryn seeks to promote historic preservation as a tool for economic development in both rural and urban areas and is working with state and federal agencies, municipalities, tribes and the development community to ensure that cultural resources are integrated into all aspects of short- and long-range planning.

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Barnaby V. Lewis

Workshop: Four Southern Tribes Cultural Presentation

Barnaby V. Lewis is the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Gila River Indian Community. He has over twenty years of experience in consultation related to traditional cultural places and cultural resource management for the Gila River Indian Community. He is knowledgeable in the history of the GRIC including the culture, language, songs, and stories of the O'odham. Mr. Lewis is active in public outreach efforts to educate the general public on the various aspects of respect and cultural orientation of the O'odham as well as the Pee Posh.

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Cristin Lucas

Workshop: SSP - Managing the Discovery of Human Remains

Cristin Lucas is the Repatriation Coordinator at the Arizona State Museum (ASM). She manages both state (ARS 41-844 and 41-865) and federal (NAGPRA) repatriation responsibilities for ASM. This role involves working with various agencies and Native American tribes to ensure the respectful treatment and repatriation of ancestral remains and funerary belongings. Cristin earned a Master of Arts degree in Anthropology from Northern Arizona University with a focus in bioarchaeology. Over the course of her career in archaeology, Cristin has worked in Georgia, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Egypt, Sudan, Bolivia and Peru. She has found her most meaningful work at the Arizona State Museum as part of the repatriation team.

Sergio Perez

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Jeri Meeks

Workshop: Arizona Project Archaeology

Jeri Meeks joined the site Steward Program after retiring from Arizona State University, where she served as the Associate Director of Finance for the Office of the Senior VP, Research.  


Jeri supports the Program and Foundation with her 30 years of not-for-profit business management experience, grant writing and website support skills.  She is a lobbyist for the ASU Retirees Association and the Arizona Site Steward Program Foundation.  Jeri is a Project Archaeology Master Teacher. 

Sergio Perez

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Trudy Mertens

Workshop: Agua Fria Walking Tour

Trudy Mertens has been a site steward almost since it's inception. Her dedication to the site steward program has been extraordinary. She is currently an ARC for both the Agua Fria and Cave Creek Regions. She is also a member of the FAFNM (Friends of the Agua Fria National Monument) and very active in it's Cultural Resources Committee.

Sergio Perez

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Yvonne Naimey

Workshop: Sun, Heat, & Food Safety While Outdoors in Arizona

Yvonne Naimey is a Senior Public Health Sanitarian with the Arizona Department of Health Services Office of Environmental Health. In this role she supports schools with School Garden food safety practices and garden certification. She also conducts inspections at various food facilities within Arizona. Yvonne has been in the environmental health and food safety field for 15+ years including on land, in air, and at sea. She is a registered sanitarian with the state of Arizona and the National Environmental Health Association and is credentialed by FDA as an agent commissioned to perform activities in Arizona relating to food.

Sergio Perez


Dr. Doug Newton

Workshop: West Valley Hike

Doug Newton has been a Site Steward for over 25 years. For 15 years, he monitored a site in the Eagletail Mountains in west central Arizona. Then he moved to sites in the Tonopah Region. After retiring, Dough attended ASU and completed a degree in plant biology which involved preparing a flora study of the plants growing the in Eagletail Mountains, of which there are 300 species. Dough currently serves as Regional Coordinator for Tonopah and Central Arizona regions. 

Sergio Perez

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Van Newville

Workshop: Huhugam Habitation  Site Hike

Van Newville is a second generation Arizonan-born in Globe, Arizona. He is ARC for both Tonopah and Central Regions and is very active in field visits to the majority of the sites in both Regions. He is in the field, on average, at least 2 weekdays a week . Van has been requested for some visits based upon his past history. He has been a Site Steward since May of 2013. Since becoming a Site Steward he has accumulated more than 2000 hours in the field. Before becoming a Site Steward Van spent many hours exploring back county Arizona: via horseback , by canoe, and backpacking . He has been to the bottom of the north rim for a 5 day backpacking trip on Thunder River., canoed from Blythe to Yuma twice, and many similar experiences

Van is a past recipient of the Thief of Time award. The incident for this award involved human remains, pot hunting and desecration of a site. And many hours reviewing the damages with the Land Manager.

Sergio Perez

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Jason Nez

Workshop: Ceramics

Jason Nez is Zuni Edgewater born for the Salt Clan.  His maternal grandfather is Tangle Clan and his paternal grandfather is from the Mexican Clan.  He has been an archaeologist in the four corners area for the past fourteen years and has surveyed, excavated and monitored sites all across his reservation during this time.  He has worked as an archaeologist for this tribe, various federal agencies and cultural resource management companies across the southwest.  He currently works on wildfires as a Firefighter, Archaeologist and a Resource Advisor.  Jason feels that his mission, as an archaeologist, is to help educate others about what we do as scientists and to help non-native people develop and understanding of who the 1st nations people are and their strong cultural connections to the world around us.  

Sergio Perez

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Sergio Perez

Workshop: Sun, Heat, & Food Safety While Outdoors in Arizona

Sergio is the program manager and health educator for the SunWise Skin Cancer Prevention Program. He received a Master of Public Administration from ASU and is originally from the Midwest. He has over a decade of community health education experience working in child/maternal health, injury prevention, chronic disease prevention and environmental health.

​Jen Dierker

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Wanda Raschkow

Workshop: Bears Ears National Monument: 5 years later (This workshop will take place with the Gila Bend workshop)

Wanda Raschkow joined Friends of Cedar Mesa in 2017 to develop a stewardship program for the Bureau of Land Management throughout Utah. That program helped lay the foundation for the current statewide, all-agency, Utah Cultural Site Stewardship Program (UCSS) administered by the Utah SHPO's office. Wanda currently serves as Regional Stewardship Coordinator for lands managed by the Forest Service and Utah's School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA) and assists with the BLM's program within the Bears Ears region. She also manages FCM's Visit with Respect Ambassador program. Prior to joining FCM, Wanda worked at Death Valley National Park and the Palm Springs Office of the Bureau of Land Management.

​Jen Dierker

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Greta Rayle

Workshop: Useful Material Thinks: a Historical Artifact Identification Workshop

Greta is a senior project manager for North Wind Resource Consulting, LLC (North Wind), and has served as program director for the company’s historic preservation team for the last five years. She completed her M.A. research at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where she focused her research on carriage houses and how the function of these structures changed over time. Since relocating to Arizona in 2006, she has supervised archaeological excavations, architectural surveys and inventories, historic streetscape assessments, and historic preservation projects in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, as well as the U.S. Territory of Guam. She has also completed National Register of Historic Places nominations and determinations of eligibility and Cultural Landscape Inventories and Reports for ten National Parks. She is a skilled artifact analyst and is responsible for the in-field and laboratory analysis of historic artifacts recovered from all North Wind projects. Greta currently serves on the Historical Archaeology Advisory Committee (HAAC), an advisory body to the Governor’s Archaeology Advisory Commission (GAAC) which convenes on a quarterly basis to address issues related to the treatment of historic sites in Arizona. She is also vice chair of the City of Phoenix’s Historic Preservation Commission, an appointment she has held for the last two years.

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Cathryn Richards

Workshop: Volunteer Management - The Good, The Bad, and How to Get the Best

Entering into the world of volunteer management without any experience or knowledge of how to administer such a program was challenging and motivating. Now, with 17 years of volunteer management experience behind me, it’s always a privilege to share with those who are new or less experienced in the field some of what I've learned in regards to volunteer engagement and coordination. My journey in volunteer management began in June of 2004 after having been given the task of rebuilding and strengthening a volunteer program for a law enforcement agency in Colorado. At the time, this program had approximately 300 volunteers and when I left in 2017 over 600 volunteers were actively serving the agency. Moving from Colorado to Arizona in 2017, I joined the Department of Economic Security and managed its volunteer program until I became the current Volunteer Program Manager for the AZ State Parks in January of 2020. Through the years it's been my pleasure to glean knowledge from some of the best in the field of volunteer management, and even more rewarding to bestow my knowledge with those who wish to improve their programs. 

​Jen Dierker

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Courtney Rose

Workshop: A Multi-Year Program of Cultural Resources Management, Inventory, and Site Steward Monitoring in the Cienega Creek Natural Preserve

As Program Manager for Pima County’s Office of Sustainability and Conservation, Cultural Resources & Historic Preservation Division, Dr. Courtney Rose focuses on ensuring that development and construction projects meet cultural resources requirements, managing cultural resources protections on rangelands and conservation lands, and overseeing the site stewards monitoring program. Prior to starting with Pima County in 2008, Dr. Rose worked in the private sector, while instructing archaeological field schools and teaching college-level courses in anthropology and archaeology. Her doctoral research focused on South American archaeology in Bolivia and she received her doctorate in Anthropology from the University of Pittsburgh in 2001.

​Jen Dierker


Dr. Samantha Rubinson

Workshop: Recording your site like a crime scene: How to Systematically use Photography and GPS in the field

Samantha Rubinson is a scientifically trained archaeologist who runs the Nevada Site Stewardship Program for the Nevada State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). She has a Ph.D. in Archaeometallurgy from the University of Bradford in Bradford, U.K.. She has worked as a professional archaeologist in both Europe and the U.S.. Since moving to Nevada in 2011, she has worked as a contract archaeologist and for SHPO. She has been in her current role for the last nine years.

Brian Donehoo


Tina Snelgrove

Workshop:  Department of Homeland Securities Investigations: Property, Art, and Antiquities Smuggling.  Investigating the Illicit Importation and Distribution of Stolen or Looted Cultural Property 

Tina Snelgrove is a Special Agent with Homeland Security Investigations in Phoenix, AZ and has been with the agency since 2006. Prior to her assignment to the Intellectual/Cultural Property Group in late 2018, Tina has worked financial, crypto currency, asset forfeiture, human smuggling, human trafficking, and narcotics smuggling cases. Since receiving her first cultural property case, she has been completely captivated and has worked to identify and work cases either within Arizona or in transit through Arizona.  As part of her interest in cultural properties within Arizona, she became involved with the Arizona Site-Stewart program in January 2021.

Brian Donehoo


Carmen Tirdea

Workshop:  Sun, Heat, & Food Safety While Outdoors in Arizona

Carmen Tirdea is an Epidemiologist with the Arizona Department of Health Services, Office of Environmental Health. She has a MPH from the University of Arizona. Carmen works with different programs within the Office of Environmental Health including the Climate and Health Program, Environmental Public Health Tracking Program, and Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. Her main role includes supervising and planning program evaluation projects, designing, manipulating, and using databases for evaluation of health problems, and providing scientific and technical assistance to communities and outside partners.

Brian Donehoo

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Mary-Ellen Walsh

Workshop: Arizona and National Historic Preservation Act 101

Mary-Ellen is the Cultural Resources Compliance Manager, where she provides technical assistance to state, federal and local agencies, and tribes, involved the compliance process. She worked in the private sector for 28 years before coming to SHPO in 2013.


Neil Weintraub

Workshop: Archaeological Site Sketch Map Basics and Wildfire and Archaeology

Neil Weintraub has been an archaeologist on the Kaibab National Forest and the Williams Regional Site Steward Coordinator for nearly three decades. He is responsible for the management, protection, conservation, and interpretation of more than 7500 cultural resources on the more than 950,000 acres o of the Williams and Tusayan Ranger Districts. For the past 18 years, Neil has also volunteered for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Flagstaff as a school-based mentor in the Williams Elementary School and served on its board of directors. Neil also co-founded Northern Arizona Trail Runners Association in 2001, and provides free organized group trail runs to folks of all ability levels. 

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Dusty Whiting

Provider: Crime Scene Management: Footwear & Tire Impression Awareness

Dusty Whiting is a retired federal law enforcement agent.  He is a commissioned Game Ranger for the White Mountain Apache Tribe and an active volunteer in the Arizona Site Steward Program. He works with Archaeology Southwest, monitoring archaeological sites with a history of having been looted in Indian Country, assessing damage to sites that have been looted and assists with the damage assessment process.  He has extensive experience in teaching man-tracking courses and conducting various aspects of criminal investigations for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLECT) at Artesia, NM.  He is a certified structure and wildland fire investigator. 

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Aaron Wright

Workshop: Protecting and Promoting the Layered Landscape of the Great Bend of the Gila

Aaron joined Archaeology Southwest’s staff as a Preservation Archaeologist in 2015. From 2006 to 2010, while in graduate school at Washington State University, Aaron was a Preservation Fellow and collaborator (with the City of Phoenix and Arizona State University) on the South Mountain Rock Art Project. Aaron used this project as the basis for his doctoral dissertation, eventually earning a Ph.D. in Anthropology in 2011. Aaron revised his dissertation into a book, Religion on the Rocks: Hohokam Rock Art, Ritual Practice, and Social Transformation, which won the 2012 Don D. and Catherine S. Fowler Prize.

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