Nicole Armstrong-Best
Chair and Project Archaeology Master Teacher
Nicole has been the Director of Pueblo Grande Museum since 2015. She previously served as the Chief of Community Stewardship at Arizona State Parks, which included responsibility for archaeology, collections, curatorial support, volunteer and non-profit engagement, and educational programming.
Nicole is a Project Archaeology Master Teacher.
Caitlin Stewart
Vice Chair and Cultural Resource Manager
Caitlin is a co-owner and Director of Cornerstone Environmental Consulting, a small women-owned cultural resources management firm in Flagstaff, Arizona. Throughout her sixteen-year career, she has conducted archaeological survey, testing, and data recovery efforts primarily in the Southwest, including Arizona, New Mexico, California, and Utah. Archaeological experience outside of the Southwest includes a variety of locales, such as portions of the Southeast, Marshall Islands, Belize, Guatemala, and Scotland.
Keith Hollinger
Secretary and Site Steward
Keith Hollinger is a Senior Lecturer of Social Sciences and serves as the Director of Undergraduate Studies for the CISA-Social Sciences at the Arizona State University Polytechnic campus. He is responsible for the development of Community and industry partnerships in the East Salt River Valley and across the state, creating internship and funding opportunities for students.
Keith is dedicated to promoting cultural and ecological awareness and preservation as well as supporting the local non-profit community. He works with local non-profits and businesses to create public education and professional training courses He also consults with non-profits to create online classes that deliver K12 Arizona Education developed by non-profit groups to teachers as Continuing and professional education classes.
Kent Ennis
Kent served as the Deputy Director of the Arizona Department of Commerce 2004-09. He joined the Arizona State Parks as Assistant Director for Administration in 2009 and became Agency Deputy Director, Administration in 2012. While at State Parks he was responsible for budgeting, HR, IT, and most agency programs. Kent retired from State Parks in 2015.
Jessica Han
Board Member and Assistant Field Manager, Yuma
Jessica has worked nearly 14 years in heritage preservation in the private sector, government, and academic settings. She has an extensive background in compliance under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act the Antiquities Act of 1906, The Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act, The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, American Indian Religious Freedom Act, the Archaeological Resources Protection Act, and Executive Order 13007.
Caroline Klebacha
Regional Coordinator, Archaeologist
Caroline is an Archaeological Compliance Specialist with the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office. She has 20 years of experience in archaeology in the private and public sectors and has worked in the Northeast, Northern Plains, and Southwest. She has worked with Arizona archaeological resources since 2008. Caroline also serves as the Regional Coordinator for the Cave Creek Region.
Jeri Meeks
Board Affiliate, Project Archaeology Master Instructor
Jeri joined the Site Steward Program after retiring from Arizona State University, where she served as the Associate Director of Finance for the Office of the Senior VP, Research.
Jeri supports the Program and Foundation with her 30 years of not-for-profit business management experience, grant writing and website support skills. She is a lobbyist for the ASU Retirees Association and the Arizona Site Steward Program Foundation. Jeri is a Project Archaeology Master Teacher.
Jill McCormick
Board Member and BLM Archaeologist, Land Manager
Historic Preservation Officer for the Ft. Yuma Quechan Tribe. Previously Cultural Resources Manager for the Cocopah Tribe for 12 plus years. Site Steward Regional Coordinator for the Yuma Region for 20 plus years. Associate Professor of Anthropology at Arizona Western College.
Ashley Petefish
Board Member and Legal Expert
Ashley is an attorney and resides in Sedona, Arizona. Born and raised in Camp Verde, Arizona she has spent her entire life exploring Arizona. Ashley is a member of Friends of the Forest Sedona’s Trail Patrol and Graffiti Removal teams, she is one of Coconino National Forest’s first Adventure Ambassadors, and is also on the Board of Oak Creek Watershed Council.
Ashley shares Leave No Trace and Responsible Recreation information on her social media, Ashley Goes Hiking, where she encourages visitors to the Southwest to recreate responsibly and respect the outdoors.
Lyle Tanner
Board Member and Site Steward
Lyle Tanner is a Solutions Architect at Cisco Systems, Site Steward, outdoors enthusiast, and "overlander". He joined the Site Steward Program in 2021 and immediately started to explore how he could apply his experience with technology to the program. Lyle has an A.A.S. in Network Administration from Mesa Community College and a B.S. in Technology Management from Northern Arizona University. He grew up in Arizona and enjoys exploring our vast public lands, learning about their cultural history, and is passionate about preserving and protecting these resources for future generations.
Roland Tanner
Board Member and Site Steward
Roland is an inquisitive and science-oriented person who looks for uniqueness in individuals and nature. Born a German citizen and naturalized as an American citizen, Roland has travelled 49 of the 50 states, either as a tourist or in his official duties working for the Indian Health Service. Travelling as an ISC for the Indian Health Service allowed him to visit ALL the 12 regional IHS areas. This gives him a unique appreciation and understanding of tribal culture, heritage, and history.
Now retired, Roland is very active volunteer. He works with New Frontiers for Lifelong Learning, as a poll worker, as a supervisory committee member of First Credit Union, ushers for Mesa Art Center, serves as a USSF Referee and assists with the Overland Expo and our Foundation.